Get On Myriad.

The Uncensorable, Decentralized Social Network

The Myriad Social app installs as a Progressive Web App (PWA). A PWA is a website that you can use like an app on your phone or computer. It can work even when you don’t have internet and it can send you notifications when something new happens.

This allows us to distribute Myriad freely without depending on centralized app stores.

To Install Myriad:

Go to on the specified browser for your device.

Safari Browser

Tap the Share button located to the right of Safari's address bar, then tap "Add to Home Screen"

Chrome Browser

Tap the Share button located to the right of Safari's address bar, then tap "Add to Home Screen"

Chrome Browser

Tap the Share button located to the right of Safari's address bar, then tap "Add to Home Screen"

If you would like to know more about Myriad Social, click below.